Saturday, November 21, 2009

NEW MOON!!!!!!!! (sigh!)

AHHHHH!!! November 20, 2009, was amazing!!! The movie New Moon, the sequel to Twilight, came out!!! It was the BEST! I saw it last night at 9:50 p.m.! I went with Emily, Kenna, Ken's sis Whitney, and her mom Jan! It was a lot of fun. Me and Emily got to the Theatre at around 8:20 to stand in line, I couldn't wait!!! Thank goodness we did too, or else we would've gotten horrible seats! We ended up getting really good seats! I had a perfect angle of Jacob! haha jk jk! Once the movie started, I was kind of in shock that I was actually there! haha And I have to admit when Jacob (Taylor Lautner) came out I sighed! SIGH!!! He was really good in the movie! The movie followed the book almost perfectly! It was really reallly really fantastic! haha I still can't decide if I am Team Jacob or Team Edward, but why should I have to choose?! I love them both! haha! But in the movie, Jacob is way way cuter than Edward... Well anyways, everyone should go to New Moon! It's really good and I liked it better than Twilight, and I absolutley LOVE Twilight so... yeah! haha Oh! And Eclipse comes out June 30, 2010 - So everyone save the date!!! haha! I'll see you there! haha Oh and thanks mom for letting me go I am so happy you did, and Emily thanks for taking me and coming and making my night so much fun! and for the awesome Jacob shirt you bought me! It's sigh.. Amazing! haha And thanks Kenna, Whitney, and Jan for coming also! It was awesome and so much fun!!!!!!! :) Here are some highlights of the movie! : Jacob transforming! WOW!
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?!

The Wolf Pack!! The Volturi Edward and Bella<3

BFF's - Jacob and Bella Team Jacob!!!!! Jacob Black!!!! <3 Edward Cullen <3
New Moon!